How Canada can bridge its gender deficit in STEM subjects?

STEM fields in Canada are dominated by men — with 20 per cent fewer women venturing into such careers. How can this imbalance be addressed? Mayrose Salvador, founder of Pueblo Science, has some answers.One reason why so few women are studying or employed in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) areas is due to a lack of interest in STEM programs among women early on. A recent study by Ismael Mourifie, assistant professor of Economics at the University of Toronto revealed that statistically, girls tend not to choose more math-intensive STEM programs due to math anxiety, which underscores the need for early learning intervention.This prompts the question: "How can Canada address this STEM gender deficit early on?" On International Women's Day, Digital Journal spoke with Mayrose Salvador, founder of Pueblo Science, a Toronto-based charitable organization which works to advance science education across the world. Read full article here .


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